The boating waters in our Flotilla’s area of operation are distinguished by a tide of roughly three feet and hundreds of acres of shallow water less than a foot deep at low tide. Tidal flows can exceed five knots. Staying in navigable channels is essential for safe boating. Inlets can be challenging when winds and tidal flows are against each other. Boats not designed for inlet transit can cause safety issues when conditions that were marginal when going out have deteriorated to dangerous when it is time to return.
Below are links to information of interest to boaters in our area.
Corps of Engineers Inlet Charts
State Maps,Boat Registration, Fishing License Information and Publications
NC Department of Marine Fisheries
Detailed navigation information
Find a State Boating Access Site
Paddling Information – Gear, Training, Safety, Etc.
NC Accident Report for accidents within three miles of the NC Coast, call the NC Wildlife Dispatch Center, 800-662-7137.
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